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  • A crowd of people sitting in the sun with a tear down the middle to reveal a black triangular cavity; representing the effects of the marginalisation of people with AIDS. Colour lithograph by Enrico Delmastro, ca. 1995.
  • List of public policy issues relating to HIV; fifteenth of sixteen advertisement posters by the American Red Cross promoting education about AIDS. Colour lithograph, 1990.
  • A red stiletto heel wearing a condom against a turquoise and black crocodile skin background; an advertisement by Hydra, a meeting and counselling place for prostitutes. Colour lithograph by Sehstern Kommunikation.
  • A man walks arm in arm with a woman while looking back at a prostitute in a check coat; representing the need for prostitutes to use condoms to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph after Ullstein Bilderdienst for Hydra, 199-.
  • A man walks arm in arm with a woman while looking back at a prostitute in a check coat; representing the need for prostitutes to use condoms to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph after Ullstein Bilderdienst for Hydra, 199-.
  • Women carrying water pots